Our organization advocates the core values of the Savate : Ethics, Aesthetics, Education and Effectiveness.
Ethics Savate is a disciplined sport, sharing the Olympic values of par-ticipation, fair play, respect for the rules and for others, and pro-moting personal development as well as mastery of technique .
Aesthetics Combining flexibility, agility and fluid movement, Savate is an aesthetic sport that values precision and artistry rather than simple confrontation.
Education Through a rigorous and structured training programme, parti-cipants in Savate gain an understanding of the strategies and personal values, as well as the physical skills and attributes, required in competition.
Effectiveness A complete and enjoyable syllabus allows the high standards of Savate to be passed on to participants of all ages. Training in Savate promotes self-confidence and all aspects of physical fitness: flexibility, mobility, speed, strength, stamina, skill and co-ordination.
Our Duties
Promoting Savate, improving local Savate level, thus popularizing Savate in Hong Kong
Training and selecting athletes to represent Hong Kong, participating in regional to international competitions
Fostering international communication, establishing a collaboration relationship with other regional and national Savate organizations.