中國香港法式拳擊協會 SFHK


  1. 點擊—(Assault)即阿索級
    Most trainers use this form for training and competition, especially female and minor trainees. Its purpose is to start with form and end with force. This form of Savate focuses on the interpretation of postures and techniques. All contact between opponents is not allowed to produce force. Similar to light-contact kickboxing, you must focus on technique during the game and hold back your strength, and no hard strikes are allowed.
  2. “搏擊”(Combat)——即攻霸級
    大多數有經驗的法式拳擊手採用該形式進行競賽,屬於實戰型擂台競技,可以重擊對手。參加“搏擊” 的運動員,無論男女,均為資深運動員,評委將對參賽者的技巧、準確度、效率等方面進行評分。此外,當中有區分Pre-Combat及Combat 。 Pre-combat允許參賽者全力搏鬥,不過必須戴上護具如頭盔、護脛等。Combat的保護則最少,只允許佩戴護陰及牙膠。在比賽中禁止肘、膝、脛,亦禁止摔技、寢技,限定使用四款踢擊和四款拳擊方式,令練習者更講求不同的踢擊技巧。
    Most experienced Savate athletes compete in this form, which is a practical way of ring competition, you can hit your opponents hard. Athletes participating in “Combat”, both males and females, are all senior and experienced athletes. The judges will rate the contestants’ skills, accuracy, efficiency and other aspects. In addition, there are differences between Pre-Combat and Combat. Pre-combat allows contestants to fight with all their strength, but with protective gears such as helmets and shin pads. Combat has the least protection and is only allowed to wear a groin protector and mouth guard. Elbows, knees, and shins are prohibited during the competition, as well as wrestling and ground techniques. Four types of kicks and four types of boxing are allowed, athletes need to pay more attention to different kicking techniques.
  3. “棍擊”( Canne)——即棍術
    That is, “canne technique”, the integration of French canne into Savate originated in the 19th century. Gentlemen of that era carried long cannes, both as a popular accessory and for self-defense when necessary. Today’s “canne hitting” as a sport focuses on flexibility, coordination and elegant movements.

比賽規則 Competition Rules:

運動員梯隊 Athletes Echelon


Before the competition, athletes are divided in different weight classes. Any athletes in an official competition, can only fight with opponents of their weight class. The weight classes recognized by the FISav are as follows:

  • 蜜蜂級 Fly:<48kg。
  • 公雞級 Rooster:48-52kg(含)。
  • 羽毛級 Feather:<56kg,52-56kg(含)
  • 輕量級 Lightweight:56-60kg(含)
  • 次輕量級 Super light:60-65kg(含)
  • 半中量級 Medium:65-70 kg(含)
  • 次半中量級 S / M / Medium:70-75kg(含)
  • 中量級 Means:75-80kg(含)
  • 半重量級 Medium-heavy:80-85kg(含)
  • 重量級 Heavy:85kg or above

裝備及硬件設施 Equipments and hardware facilities:


Athletes must wear sports vest and long pants, it is also the only martial arts that wears shoes during the fight. Athletes of different levels can take upgrade tests in order to achieve different color gloves, some competitions require athletes above a certain level to join, the levels distribution are as follows:
Savate are divided into 8 technical levels and 6 competition levels, among them, competition levels require athletes to pass technical level 5 (Yellow gloves), then join competition to accumulate points and level up.

  • 技術1級 Technical level 1: 藍手套 (Blue)
  • 技術2級 Technical level 2: 綠手套 (Green)
  • 技術3級 Technical level 3: 紅手套 (Red)
  • 技術4級 Technical level 4: 白手套 (White)
  • 技術5級 Technical level 5: 黃手套 (Yellow)


*To achieve higher technical levels, athletes must join upgrade tests conducted by eligible Savate Associations
*To acquire GTA1 qualification, athletes must be 16 years old or above, otherwise, they can acquire “Purple gloves”
*Athletes with “Yellow gloves” can attain GTA upgrade test

  • 技術6級 Technical level 6: 技術1級銀手套(GAT1)
  • 技術7級 Technical level 7: 技術2級銀手套(GAT2)
  • 技術8級 Technical level 8: 技術3級銀手套(GAT3)

*Athletes with “Yellow gloves” can attain copper gloves matches

  • 競賽1級 Competition level 1: 銅手套 (Copper)
  • 競賽2級 Competition level 2: 競賽1級銀手套 (Silver)
  • 競賽3級 Competition level 3: 競賽2級銀手套
  • 競賽4級 Competition level 4: 競賽3級銀手套
  • 競賽5級 Competition level 5: 競賽4級銀手套
  • 競賽6級 Competition level 6: 競賽5級銀手套

比賽形式及得分 Competition formats and points :

  • 拳部擊打 Punches to head or stomach(腹部、頭部)- 1 points
  • 連續的拳部擊打、組合拳 Punching combos or continuous punches – 2 points
  • 腳部踢擊,點觸對手身體下段 Kicks to the lower body – 1 points
  • 腳部踢擊,點觸對手身體中段 Kicks to the middle body – 2 points
  • 腳部踢擊,點觸對手頭面部 Kicks to the face or head – 4 points


Savate competitions are usually 3 rounds, with 2-5 minutes per round. During the competition, 3-5 side judges will do points counting with the athletes’ techniques, head referee will collect the points and announce the results after the competition.

主要技術 Main techniques:

Savate has mainly 6 types of kicks and 4 types of punches.

腳擊動作 Kicks

1、 鞭抽式腳擊 Roundhouse Kick:胯骨必須位於側面。在踢擊時,腳最終的動作線路應是側方位的。
2、 用鞭抽式進行反腳踢擊 Counter-Roundhouse Kick:胯骨必須位於側面。在踢擊時,腳最終的動作線路應是側方位的。
3、用腳直擊 Push Kick。
4、反身平踢 Back Kick。
5、下方腳擊 Low Kick(被擊打或失去平衡時):為了保持平衡而使用的踢擊。
6、組合反身踢 Combo Back Kick:其動作原則上使用在取得直擊的效果,但是同時也運用在鞭抽式(反身)。

拳擊動作 Punches

1、直拳 Straight Punch:採用直線出拳。
2、勾拳 Hook Punch:結合了平擊和直拳。
3、上擊 Uppercut:結合了平擊和直拳。
4、橫擊 Whip Punch:採用平擊。

違規動作 Violations:

The following moves are regarded as violations, during the competitions, if athlete violated, they will be warned by the referees and face point deduction.

腳擊 Kicks:

  • 生殖器三角區的部位 Urogenital Triangle ;
  • 頸部、頭的後部和頂部 Neck, back and upper part of the head ;
  • 女運動員的胸部 The breasts of female athletes。

拳擊 Punches:

  • 男子 Male:任何擊打腰帶以下的部位 Any punches below the waist line(髂嵴為限);
  • 女子 Female:任何擊打胸部和腰帶以下的部位 Any punches to the breasts and below the waist line;

足部 Foot:

  • 用脛骨進行擋擊 Guard with shin;
  • 踩踏對手的腳部 Step on the opponent’s feet

手部 Hands:

  • 將手放在地上或邊繩上進行擊打 Attacking while the hands are on the ground or ringside;
  • 抱住對手給予擊打 Attacking while hugging;
  • 在抓住對手時,任何形式的擊打動作 Attacking while grabbing;
  • 推搡或牽拉對手 Dragging or pushing;

身體 Body:

  • 使用禁止的技術,哪怕在夠得着的範圍之外 Using violated techniques even the attacks did not land
  • 以危險的方式向前衝:頭部向前、抬起膝蓋等 Rushing forward in a dangerous way, such as head forward or lifting up knees ;
  • 擊打躺在地上或正在站起的對手以及被邊繩纏住的對手 Attacking opponents when they are on the ground or being entangled in the ringside。

歷史 History:

賽法鬥(Savate),又稱“法式拳擊”或“法國踢打術”“法國踢腿術”“薩瓦特”,是誕生於19世紀法國的一種格鬥技。由法國貴族米歇爾·卡克塞斯(Michel Casseux)和查爾斯·萊克(Charles Lecour)創立,吸收了市井貧民的格鬥技巧和海軍軍官們的打鬥風格,並加以提煉、發展,創造出一種新的格鬥體系,並將之命名為Savate(源於法語“舊鞋子”一詞)。

Savate is a martial arts born in the 19th Century France. Created by French aristocrats Michel Casseux and Charles Lecour, absorbing the martial arts styles of the paupers and navy, then refine and develop, creating a new style of martial arts and named it Savate.
Being popularized in France, and through a lot of improvements and developments, it started to get in shape. In the following century, Savate had become an official sport, and entered a much larger stage. It has once entered the 1924 Paris Olympic Games Exhibition Event, with over 200 years history, it is still being promoted by different parts of the world, and many international associations are formed. However, the status of Savate are highest in France, not only being supported by the government, but also set up specific degrees for it in the University.


最近賽事 Recent competitions

2024/4/13 – 英國初級/高級點擊錦標賽 UK Junior/Senior Assault Championship
2023/6/21-24 – 波德切特泰克斯洛文尼亞 世界青年錦標賽World Youth Championship Podcetrtek,Slovenia
2023/5/5-9 – 塔什干烏茲別克首都 亞洲法式拳擊錦標賽 4th Asian Savate Championship Tashkent

